Friday, June 10, 2011

PE1 iMovie

First of all I found the website very useful for learning how to use iMovie. I am very new to the whole Apple experience and Apple computer.  I wish we would have had this course and website for our second course in our line up of courses to help us with our previous projects.  

Every have a problem in organizing? I do, and thats with more than just these video clips.  When I started using iMovie in our second course, I didn't have any training at all in organizing clips into favorites and rejects.  I was just skimming through and trying to remember which clips I like and which ones I wanted to throw away.  After watching the section on organizing clips, I found a much easier way to keep clips you want and reject the ones that you don't like.  Below is a short video on what I learned about organizing clips. By the way did you know that iMovie has an "advanced" button? One of my favorite buttons now. 



  1. Nice trick in the video.

    That is one that I did not know.

  2. Clarification:

    The trick I was talking about was the editing trick you discussed about using the Advanced Tool button. It is fantastic to be able to, instead of clicking and dragging and editing, and then clicking remove, you just click and drag on the part you do not want, and it deletes what you do not want.

    Never tried or knew about that one.
