Friday, June 10, 2011

PE 2 iMovie

For this exercise I tried to use the green screen.  I don't know much about green screen except for that you can shoot a subject in front of the green screen and add any background that you want.  I really enjoyed watching how to do this on  Our school has a video system through out the school that is hooked up to every TV in the classrooms.  Every other week they put together a news cast created by the students and they report on what is going on in the school and the up coming events.  I am going to show them or introduce them to the green screen.
I picked up a video editing program for my PC, yea I know, PC is a bad word around the Apple environment. However, I had a green screen sheet in the box, and never knew how to use it.  Thanks to this course and the website, I now know how to use it.  I think our students who create the news show will love to use it next year.  Below I video taped a quick segment of myself putting together a project that will be due here soon.  Its not the best, but I am getting the hang of how to use it. It's best to do it, than to just read it. I have learned a lot from just trying to get this assignment done. 


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